Slovenia - Rod Srebrnih Krtov Idrija

Slovenia - Rod Srebrnih Krtov Idrija

Our scout group was founded in 1952. It is a part of the Slovenian National Scout Organization and the World Organization of Scout Movement. Slovenian scouts are a juvenile, voluntarily and non-political movement, often defined as an educational society. The scout society welcomes everyone, regardless their origin, sex, race and belief. It brings together children, youth and adults, who love and enjoy living in nature. On their weekly meetings, scout patrols learn different scout skills, such as putting up a tent, building fires, making knots, building wooden objects, learning about the nature, how to orientate in nature and many others. Scouts also develop their social skills, their sense of community, and sense of responsibility. Scouts prove their knowledge and skills on competitions, hikes and annual summer camps. Our group in particular camps every year in Croatia, very close to the sea. During the winter holidays, we take young scouts on a winter camp. Its location is different every year. We also spend some days during the school year in our cottage, which is located nearby our home town. We take school kids on trips to the cinema, the water park, the adrenalin park, the house of experiments; we also prepare some other activities that diversify the school year. We are currently carrying out a project in association with the Idrija's Students Club and Idrija 2020. The project's goal is to establish a Youth centre in Idrija, which will provide assets and working areas for all youth activities. There are about 100 scouts in our group, from age 5 and older.
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